“Every Physiotherapist and GP has patients where moderate increases in exercise and losing a little weight would dramatically help health and rehab outcomes, along with the bodies ability to recover from injury.
Marks Dailhou’s ‘Easyhealth Solutions’ provides practitioners with the helping hand needed to motivate exactly these patients to change their lifestyle in easy steps.
A referral to ‘Easyhealth’ to motivate lifestyle changes can result in better outcomes for the patient with the added benefit of making our job easier with better rehab and health outcomes.”
- Trish Wisbey-Roth (Olympic/Specialist Sports Physio, Private Practice Physio, Clinical educator; FACP; FASMA; MAPA)
"I lost 17 kilos in six months after hearing one of Mark's easy health talks"
- John Financial Consultant
"Health and fitness in a nutshell. Information you can relate to that will give you results. Simple but effective advice that inspired the whole group - good fun and also entertaining."
- Murray, State Manager
"Mark puts exercise in layman terms and in an entertaining way. A lot of people felt empowered and realised that being fit and healthy is not so difficult"
- Erica, Accountant
“I can actually lose weight by not doing hard exercise and still having my treats”
- Phil, Teacher
“So that’s how weight loss works- it all makes sense”
- Susan, Nurse